Presenting Lily Mars
Tap dancer, a soon-to-be star
She'll beat your heart so fast
Spotlight's on Lily tonight
She's on Channel One's late night show
She's watching people come and go
Producer says, "You've got it made, girl"
And when she's lying sleepless in his arms
The frost paints roses on poor Lily's window pane
Presenting Lily's mum
She still lives on in Lily's mind
Stopped ageing years ago
Now she's gone but left her dreams in Lily's eyes
Lily's wondering if mummy's watching her tonight
"Good morning," says father Mars
Presenting a salesman's cheerful face
His mouth is never shut
As he strides from door to door to door to door
Watch his face as he puts his foot in my door
Presenting Lily Mars
She's sensing moons and stars
The pills that Doc subscribed
Will keep the sleepless, dreamless nights away
Oh, poor Lily, now you're sleeping day by day
By day by day by day by day
Bye, bye
Poor Lily, mummy's watching you tonight
Текст песни a-ha Presenting Lily Mars
Текст добавил EverGreen 29.7.2012 1:07
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Тексты a-ha
- A Fine Blue Line (Тонкая Синяя Линия)
- Analogue (All I Want) (Аналог (Все, Что Я Хочу))
- Birthright (Право По Рождению)
- Butterfly, Butterfly (Бабочка, Бабочка)
- Celice (Селис)
- Cosy Prisons (Уютные Тюрьмы)
- Don't Do Me Any Favours (Не Делай Мне Никаких Одолжений)
- Foot Of The Mountain (Подножье Горы)
- Holy Ground (Святая Земля)
- Mother Nature Goes To Heaven (Мать Природа Уходит На Небеса)
- Nothing Is Keeping You Here (Ничто Не Держит Тебя Здесь)
- Over The Treetops (За Верхушками Деревьев)
- Real Meaning (Истинный Смысл)
- Riding The Crest (Ты На Самом Гребне)
- Shadowside (Темная Сторона)
- Shapes That Go Together (Фигуры, Которые Следуют Друг За Другом)
- Sunny Mystery (Веселая Мистерия)
- Take On Me
- The Bandstand (Эстрада)
- What There Is (Как Есть)
- Все тексты a-ha