All hail! The phrase of tainted prose
The etchings that cover the rose
Well of thought of you, must surely be denied
For impure are the arts
That are painted in your eyes
Tonight, our lies shall be known, my faithless one
Tonight, our lies shall be known
And I'll await my heart's return
Resting in the shadow of a tomb
For a presence ever lost
In the presence of forever:
Текст песни Arsis Return
Текст добавил ___ 19.1.2010 17:35
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Тексты Arsis
- A March For The Sick
- Carnal Ways To Recreate The Heart
- Closer To Cold
- Dust And Guilt
- Elegant And Perverse
- Escape Artist
- Forced To Rock
- From Soulless To Shattered (Art In Dying)
- Half Past Corpse O'clock
- Looking To Nothing
- Maddening Disdain
- Return
- Sable Rising
- Seven Whispers Fell Silent
- Sick Perfection
- The Face Of My Innocence
- The Sadistic Motives Behind Bereavement Letters
- The Ten Of Swords
- Wholly Night
- Worship Depraved
- Все тексты Arsis