This fight is pointless
Comes from depths of hell
Main battle isn't lost
Which consists of pain and grief
We are the chosen ones
Fighting for a disbelief
From me to you
From me to fuckin you
Look at their eyes
They have no hope
From me to fuckin you
We are the end
We are the chosen ones
So you should keep them in their weak shells
From me to you
From me to fuckin you
Look at their eyes
They have no hope
From me to you
From me to fuckin you
Victims of torture
Necromechanical beings
Children of godless engineering
We must not fall
Just stand up to the end
Underestimating forces
Somatically reborned in every corner of this world
Now oceans beginning to burn
We are the end
We are the chosen ones
For us - now
For you - then
For us - now
You are next
Текст песни Calmed By The Tides Of Rain The Chosen Ones
Текст добавил Zeth 27.11.2013 17:44
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