From the shallow
In the waves of stormy sea
We see their blackned backs
Beyond these depths
And run with horror
From the waves of stormy days
It looks like a good chance to meet your end.
As the storm will rage outside the walls
Walls of great madness
Purifying sound from another world
Is coming from the abyss
The call of mighty creatures
That sounds from darkest depths
The ocean is not silent
It speaks to all of us
Your god won't help you
This is a crushing end
People are afraid to talk about this place
They don't want to show their fear
You can't believe in these filthy tales
But simply look at your hands
Covered with flesh and blood
It's coming from the abyss
Текст песни Calmed By The Tides Of Rain Abyss
Текст добавил K@in 13.6.2010 20:55
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