Woke up today, with the sun on my face
I tried to pray, but I hated the taste
Sped off to work like a rat in a race
Cut up a smile, but it's not on my face
Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom!
I'm a time bomb, just set me off!
My sanity is failing me. 5-4-3-2-Boom!
I'm a time bomb, ready to bleed!
Humanity is failing me. 5-4-3-2-Break!
I lace my teeth with gold they're rotting from the inside!
Bury me seven feet deep!
Closer to my misery
No air to breathe, no room to think!
(Why don't you) Bury me seven fucking feet deep?!
I think I'm okay
I think I'm okay
I think I'm okay
I think I'm okay
I think I'm okay
I think I'm okay
I won't be okay!
Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom!
I'm a time bomb, just set me off!
My sanity is failing me. 5-4-3-2-Boom!
I'm a time bomb, ready to bleed!
Humanity is failing me. 5-4-3-2-Break!
I'm not a martyr!
I'm just a fiend
So take a step back. Take a step back!
Can you see me smiling while I'm hiding in your back seat?
Bury me seven feet deep!
Closer to my misery
No air to breathe! No room to think!
(Why don't you) Bury me seven fucking feet deep?!
Maybe my day will come
Running waters never brought me to where I belong
And now I'm blind, god I'm so blind!
My suicide was labeled as a common dose of cyanide
Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom!
I'm a time bomb, just set me off!
My sanity is failing me. 5-4-3-2- Boom!
I'm a time bomb, ready to bleed!
Humanity is failing me. 5-4-3-2-Break!
Bury me seven feet deep!
Текст песни Cane Hill Time Bomb (Feat. Scout)
Текст добавил Jetboy 5.12.2017 21:58
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