I am your judge
Sitting on my throne
Jumping down your throat
Picking off your bones
I am your judge
Casting you aside
Burn your sheets of white
I'd rather die before I watch you
Rise, rise
Cancer of humanity
Rise, rise
I am your jury
With my head held high
Over your so called strife
Treading on your life
I am your jury
You will not find grace
In your final hate
I won't die before I watch you
I will watch you burn
I'd rather die before I watch you
Rise, rise
Cancer of humanity
Rise, rise
You will never fucking rise
Rise, rise
Man infested destiny
Rise, rise
You will never fucking rise
Nazi fucking scum
Текст песни Cane Hill Scumbag
Текст добавил Jetboy 8.3.2018 15:10
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