I feel so fucking hateful
Pissing on the right here right now
I feel so fucking hateful
Pissing on the right here right now
I feel so fucking hateful
Pissing on the right here right now
I feel so fucking hateful
Pissing on the right here right now
Every thought I've ever had
Killing me, killing me
Everyone I've ever known
Following, following
Every memory inside
Haunting me, haunting me
Every thought I've ever had
Killing me, killing me
Everyone I've ever known
Following, following
Every memory inside
Haunting me, haunting me
I feel so fucking hostile
Feeding on the what's here what's now
I feel so fucking hostile
Feeding on the what's here what's now
I feel so fucking hostile
It's the way I go to waste
With my fingers in my brain
But now I don't taste the same
Every thought I've ever had
Killing me, killing me
Everyone I've ever known
Following, following
Every memory inside
Haunting me, haunting me
Every thought I've ever had
Killing me, killing me
Everyone I've ever known
Following, following
Every memory inside
Haunting me, haunting me
I feel so fucking hateful
Every thought I've ever had
Killing me, killing me
Everyone I've ever known
Following, following
Every memory inside
Haunting me, haunting me
(It's haunting me)
Every thought I've ever had
Killing me, killing me
Everyone I've ever known
Following, following
Every memory inside
Haunting me, haunting me
I feel so fucking hateful
I feel so fucking hateful
Текст песни Cane Hill Hateful
Текст добавил Jetboy 8.3.2018 15:10
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