Wild life along with my wife
I'm goin' up on the mountain fo' the rest uh m' life
'fore they take m' life
'fore they take m' wild life
'fore they take m' wife
They got m' mother's father
'n run down all my kin
Folks I know I'm next
Wild life along with m' wife
I'm goin' up on the mountain fo' the rest uh m' life
'fore they take m' wild life
'fore they take m' wife wife
'fore they take m' wife
Wild life wild life wild life
Wild life wild life wild life
I'm goin' up on the mountain along with m' wife
Find me uh'cave 'n talk them bears
In t' takin' me in
Wild life along with m' wife
Wild life
It's uh man's best friend
Wild life along with m' wife
I'm goin' up on the mountain fo' the rest uh m' life
'fore they take m' life 'fore they take m' wild life
'fore they take m' wife
'fore they take m' wife
Wild life wild life
Wild life wild life
I'm goin' up on uh mountain
Find me uh cave 'n talk the bears
In tuh' takin' me in
Wild life is ah mans best friend
Wild life
Wild life
Текст песни Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band Wild Life
Текст добавил sashabortnik23 12.7.2012 23:02
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Тексты Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
- Ink Mathematics
- Kandy Korn
- Lick My Decals Off, Baby
- Long Neck Bottles
- Man With The Woman Head
- Mirror Man
- MoonChild
- Moonlight On Vermont
- Muffin Man
- My Head Is My Only House Unless It Rains
- My Human Gets Me Blues
- Neon Meate Dream Of A Octafish
- New Electric Ride
- Nowadays A Woman’s Gotta Hit A Man
- Old Fart At Play
- On Tomorrow
- Orange Claw Hammer
- Pachuco Cadaver
- Pena
- Petrified Forest
- Все тексты Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band