Touching pen to paper, each time I feel a little
Closer to the end.
Between the lines a thousand grains of sand
Lost to the hourglass.
Inside every page, a time I wish I could relive.
Oh how I wish I could relive this all again!
5Come back to me!)
See the look that you gave me,
Feel the pain inside my lungs.
Walk the city that never sleeps, erase these fears in me.
The weight of living now holds me down.
Each day it gets harder to put one foot
In front of the other.
The struggle of the years has made these cracks in me.
But its a truth I cannot fight,
The sun will set tonight, and I'll not be able to hold on...
Its a truth I cannot fight.
So I let go of the past, and bare with the weight
Of living now.
Take this one chance to live,
(And) Know that it is to die for.
This is to die for!
Текст песни Carcer City A Prisoner To The Year
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Тексты Carcer City
- A Prisoner To The Year
- Closed Eyes
- Disaronno Lips
- Distance
- Eyes For The Blind, Ears For The Deaf
- Ghosts (Part I: The Figure Brushed In White)
- Ghosts (Part III: The Messenger)
- If We Make It Home
- Lifeless, Awaken
- Mistakes I Have To Live With
- Patience Won't Heal The Broken
- Signals
- Silence
- Staring Into the Sun
- The Constant Struggle
- The Escapist
- The Life We Have Chosen
- The Road Journals
- The Walls That Divide
- Все тексты Carcer City