Текст песни Carissa's Wierd Low Budget Slow Motion Soundtrack Song From The Leaving Scene

How long will you be gone?
How soon till you come home?
Where is your sweet heart who shelters her from the cold now?
The cold now.
Absence only made our hearts grow colder, I will be waiting, I'll just keep waiting for you.
For you.
Will you remember the feelings and colors, bad dreams converted by warm arms that held you so close?
So close.
Will you regret everything that you said or will you hold it close to your heart?
'Cause I will be waiting, I'll just keep waiting hold on so close.
Hold on.
Absence only made our hearts grow colder, I will be waiting, I'll just keep waiting for you.

Текст добавил Sanya 28.9.2012 21:58

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