Текст песни Carissa's Wierd Blankets Stare

So here is a note, it's been a long month
And now I have to, have to go to sleep now
Its 2 a.m. and I feel like
I might have done something wrong
Finally made an end to all the backwards notes
Now we all are standing in line
So change your clothes again
How can I convince you
To change your mind again
Another one of those times
When I blanket stare
So this is a note, it's been a long month
And now I have to, have to go to sleep now
Its 2 a.m. and I feel like
I might have done something wrong
Finally made an end to all the backwards notes
I'll try and catch a cold, close the window
So change your clothes again
How can I convince you
To change your mind again
Another one of those times
When I blanket stare
Tell me now
Tell it all
Tell me when your ready
Don't tell me when I'm wrong
Wait till we all ...
Tell apart the lies and all the blanket stares
And tell it to the wives and we'll all... and that's the way it goes

Текст добавил Mrs Dramaqueen 25.12.2017 0:13

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