...In the small german Wuerzburg
One hundred and fifty-seven witches
Were burnt at the stake from 1627 to 1629...
CARNAGE – In Wuerzburg – Brand
Stakes on the impure land
When the dying sun goes down,
Hate will rise by law,
Tortured victims in the flames –
Godless revel of human race
Carbonized bodies – Holy Inquisition – Demise
Blinding fires – Glorification – Smiles
Mesmerized eyes – Silent Supplication – Cries
Necrotized hexes – Bad Indoctrination – Lies
When the bloody moon goes down,
Hate will fall by dawn,
Ashes on the Square of Shame,
From a cursed town Who is to Blame?
Текст песни Castrum Brand
Текст добавил dergolem95 10.4.2011 12:04
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Тексты Castrum
- Book Of Malediction
- Brand
- Dark Paths To The Ancient Thrones
- Desert Of Darkness
- Disorder To Keep (Part I)
- Don't Make Me God!
- Hatenourisher
- Invisible Force Of Fear
- Mentally Cracked
- Mirrored Absurdity
- Never Ending Error
- Night Of Saint-Bartholomew
- Rapid Death
- Sinister Omens
- Source Of Hate
- Suffocating Thugs
- The Art Of Homicide
- The Gate Of Universal Mystery
- Unprecedented Torture
- Walls Of Deception
- Все тексты Castrum