Текст песни Castrum Night Of Saint-Bartholomew

On the twenty-fourth of August,
1572 in Paris was terrible bloodshed
That summer night went down in the history
As Massacre of Saint-Bartholomew...
Amidst the wars of religion
When the rivers of blood gushed
It was Fratricide (with gory contagion)
For the peace and name of God
At the awful moonlit night
Cathedral bells of Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois
Sounded, rang to the infamous fight,
Christian love was devitalized
At the sign of all Parisian church bells
Ranting hordes killed senselessly,
When the strange nocturnal mass started
Murderers from gore were soulless...
At the horrible moonlit night
Selected doors were stigmatized
With the shameful white crosses,
The Huguenots were doomed to death
Impiety – in the name of Jesus Christ,
Brutality – because of the Supernal Light
Disembowelment – in the name of Angels and Saints,
Dismemberment – because of the Religious Faith
Swords and spears were in hands of slaughterers,
Torches illuminated their faces,
That Unmerciful Night was the Triumph of the Evil One
In the Valley Of Misery,
Where the river always overflowed
Bloody corpses floated on the stream
At that sanguinary night the bloodbath took place –
– In the name of Christ, –
– Where was Royal Law? –
– Where was Christian Love? –
Amidst the wars of religion
When the streams of gore gushed
It was Fratricide (with bloody confusion)
For the quiet and name of God
At the dreadful moonlit night
Cathedral bells of Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois
Sounded, rang to dishonest fight,
Christian laws were devitalized
At the sign..... Slayers were soulless!

Текст добавил dergolem95 10.4.2011 12:05

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