Drifting from the living the skies grow black Truth's now bleeding pure blood of the lack
Beast of possessions licking your blood From burned stumps their future's cut Denial of
freedom, denial of salvation, denial of life for their salvation Dominion's been revealed and
erased all cultural breathing Slavery will take control of your chained soul! Of your soul!
Modern war is not just about a conflict which has to be solved. Todays "leading" nations
use their destructive war machinery to achieve power and political influences for future
economical actions. No matter what the consequences are for the freedom and will of the
people who live in the regions of interest. And reality strikes again.
Текст песни Cataract Skies Grow Black
Текст добавил ___ 18.7.2009 19:45
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Тексты Cataract
- As We Speak
- Denial Of Life
- Erase Concepts Of Serenity, The Definition Of The Sacred
- For Their Sins
- Fuel
- Godevil
- Hallow Horns
- Killing Tool
- Legions At The Gates
- March With Your Battleforce
- Nothing's Left
- On this Graveyard
- Sacrificed For Wealth
- Saving Shelter
- Skies Grow Black
- Tongues Spitting Hate
- Unforgotten
- Vanished In The Dark
- War Of Cultures
- With Triumph Comes Loss
- Все тексты Cataract