Look at all that rain
let it keep on rain
what light is for lovers
high on their seats undercover
so get up and leave the room
so get up and leave the room
and lose what you love
so get up and leave the room
so get up and leave the room
and lose what you love
what light is for lovers
high on their seats undercover
i caught the queen of diamonds
i caught the queen of diamonds
i caught the queen staring back at me
i caught the queen of diamonds
i caught the queen of diamonds
i caught the queen staring back at me
Текст песни Chiodos Queen Of Diamonds (Acoustic)
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Тексты Chiodos
- A Letter From Janelle
- Baby, You Wouldn't Last A Minute On The Creek
- Behvis Bullock
- Duct Tape
- Expensive Conversations In Cheap Motels
- Flagpole Sitta (Harvey Danger Cover)
- I Am Everything That's Normal
- I Didn't Say I Was Powerful, I Said I Was A Wizard
- I'm Awkward & Unusual
- Intensity In Ten Cities
- Let Me Get You A Towel
- Lexington (Joey Pea-Pot With A Monkey Face)
- Looking For A Tornado
- Notes In Constellations
- Pirates And Rebels
- R2Me2
- Sunny Days & Hand Grenades
- The Undertaker's Thirst For Revenge Is Unquenchable (The Final Battle)
- Thermacare
- Under Your Halo
- Все тексты Chiodos