Текст песни Chokehold Sell It For What It's Worth

So what did we learn and what has become of this after all is raped and sold

To the highest bidder or the trendiest fucker or whatever

Its good for this was ours to live and be part of

not impersonal and distant (untouchable) or what you made it

Scrapped every ounce of sincerity and asked in a bigger crowd

With smaller minds that easily consume your lie

Im still here watching our energy and dignity dissolve into your pockets

Thank you for selling everything I hold and value

My youth my world

Take these words to my grave

Cause your filth never scratched me

Never tempted me, never needed it

Wouldnt stoop to your level

Was never about that

Never will be

Never sold our dignity

Never wanted your instant stardom

Fuck you and everyone who did

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