He shut up like a rose, the scar of my belly
How I wanted him to rise up with the clouds
How I asked for love, received the wounds on cheek,
the nights empty sleep,
hopeless words I can't keep
He searched just like a magnet, Oh the metal is me
How I needed him to draw it in, protect me from belief
How I pleaded then to end again, heal my rotting skin,
pleaded then, asked for sin,
something I can keep
Soul of my soul, do you feel me?
Touch the beating, heart of my heart
Flesh of my flesh
Mouth of my mouth
Soul of my soul, do you feel me?
Touch the beating, heart of my heart
He shuned me like disease, the feathers in my eyes
How I need his light to purify the darkness deep inside
How I asked for warmth, received snow and sleet,
the burns on my feet,
white and unsoiled sheets
He reached for all desire, kept his hands far from me
How my mind built high could rectify such pain and deceit
How the sorrow plunged, concrete and ashen weeps
The porous bed it reeks with unresolved peeks
Soul of my soul, do you feel me?
Touch the beating, heart of my heart
Flesh of my flesh
Mouth of my mouth
Soul of my soul, do you feel me?
Touch the beating, heart of my heart
And now I sleep on ladders
So afraid I'll fall
Текст песни Christian Death Ashes
Текст добавил pasha_khoklova 26.7.2012 17:00
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Тексты Christian Death
- As Evening Falls
- Ashes
- Burnt Offerings
- Cavity: First Communion
- Cervix Couch
- Dream For Mother
- Electra Descending
- Figurative Theatre
- Lament (Over The Shadows)
- Love Don't Let Me Down
- Mysterium Iniquitatis
- Resurrection- Six Communion
- Romeo's Distress
- Sleepwalk
- Spiritual Cramp
- The Blue Hour
- The Drowning
- This Glass House
- When I Was Bed
- Will-o'-the-Wisp
- Все тексты Christian Death