Текст песни Chrome Division Hate

I've been around I have seen all kind's of shit
I lived long enough to recognize it
You walk so tall
You talk so smallOh come on over
'cause here comes my call

I never claimed to be the nicest boy in town
I never promised honey, I would stick around

Why do you hate me
Why do you hate me
Is it 'cause you know that I can't be ignored

Why do you hate me
Why do you hate me
Is it 'cause I make you feel so insecure

Now gather around it's time to look me in the eye
I rather face you all than listen to your lies
Hey ladies, come out and play
Cause I don't give a shit about
your mothers anyway

And I don't know just what to say
And I don't know just what to do
The reason I tell you I want you to know
It's time time to stand down and let it all go

Why do you hate me
Why do you hate me
Is it 'cause I make you feel so insecure

Текст добавил     27.9.2010 19:43

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