Well, everybody raise your glass
And Welcome to the show
Let there be no doubt
We got a lot to show
Turn the music up loud
So chicks can move on the floor
If you don't like it
You're at the wrong place for sure
Come a little closer
So i can feel your heat
Now let me see you shake that ass
To that rockin' beat
I hope you don't mind girl
And show me your smile
Well, i know that i'm different
But i'm gonna stay for a while
It ain't easy
Living free
It ain't easy when you're trying
To satisfy me
I'm coming down
You better be prepared
'cause i grew up on the other side of town
You heard the stories,
And you heard the tales
It's time to meet the boys
When we all get together
We sure make a lot of noise
You can either hate us or join our feast
I can't promise any champagne
When you party with
The boys from the east
Текст песни Chrome Division The Boys From The East
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Тексты Chrome Division
- 1st Regiment
- Bad Broad (Good Girl Gone Bad)
- Booze, Broads And Beelzebub
- Breath Easy
- Bulldogs Unleashed
- Chrome Division
- Doomsday Riders
- Hate
- Here Comes Another Me
- Lets Hear It
- Raise Your Flag
- Serial Killer
- Sharp Dressed Man
- The Angel Falls
- The Boys From The East
- Till The Break Of Dawn
- Trouble With The Law
- We Want More
- When The Shit Hits The Fan
- Wine Of Sin
- Все тексты Chrome Division