My thoughts flow out inhaled by others
As old disappears new arises
You could have a hard time adjusting to it so just
Receive, retrieve, and escalate
They feel themselves being released
Still there is something holding them back
Want to do so much more
I need to breakout from silence
Their acts flow out suffered by others
As old forgets new arises
You could have a hard time adjusting to it so just
Receive, retrieve, and escalate
They feel themselves being released
Still there is something holding them back
Want to do so much more
I need to breakout from silence
Текст песни Cipher System Receive, Retrieve, Escalate
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Тексты Cipher System
- 24 Hours Left
- 7 Inch Cut
- A Lesson Learned
- Central Tunnel 8
- Communicate The Storms
- Complete
- Cyanide Shot Injection (C.S.I)
- End My Path
- Forget To Forgive
- Gods Terminal
- In Perfection
- Life Surrounds
- Objection
- Outro - Slow Chemical (Controle H)
- Project Life Collapse
- Receive, Retrieve, Escalate
- State Unknown
- Sufferstream
- The Failure Starts
- What If...?
- Все тексты Cipher System