Climb the fibrous ladder dear friend
Watch your head
Watch your step
Chained meat-hook your new ally and playmate
Hang yourself from the virginal I-beam above
Hang from your anatomically correct eye sockets
A perfect match for the grapple
Hang like the meat you have been farmed to become
Hang raw and arrogant
Watch the gold-wash
Watch the spin and spit
Sweat, drip, foam and hiss
Hang like meat
Dangle in indifference
Suspend above the spectators
Fresh meat sways
Rotted pride withers
Текст песни Circle Of Dead Children Corsage Of Fresh Meat And Rotted Pride
Текст добавил Kiss Of Death 25.1.2017 20:11
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Тексты Circle Of Dead Children
- Grabbing N
- Imprint This Stake With Your Name
- It's A Bloody Day When You Get Your Hand Nailed To A Kross
- Migration
- Only One Per Coffin
- Pigeon Vs. Crow
- Return To Water
- Salt Rock Eyes
- Scarecrow Trailer
- Skull Of A Hermit / Brain Of A Faery
- Sleepwalker
- Sons Of Nameless
- Sunday's Agenda?
- The Genocide Machine
- Tranquilizer
- Two-Week Notice
- Ursa Major
- We Wear The Gimp Mask
- Where The Hive
- Wormpaste
- Все тексты Circle Of Dead Children