I'd love to run your fingers through my heart
Feel the ruin
Smell the caustic stench
Sweep me in the corner and forget I'll stay there until the sun has set:one
million times
With my crust ablaze everybody sees the feeling
Everybody chokes on the dust of a smoldering ego
Your face I remember
Your taste I will never forget
The dogs feast on each sour breath
It's like they remember.
It's like they remember
Sweep me into the corner and forget
Because the dogs, they will always know
They know my blood
Every stone I had carefully placed, now washed away and eroded
The dam to my psyche, washed away and eroded
I pick at each scar and remember each name
Your faces I remember
Gratify me with the dogs now
The respect of the corner
In the corner I am alive
You can never take that from me
Текст песни Circle Of Dead Children Digestive Ceremony
Текст добавил Kiss Of Death 25.1.2017 20:12
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Тексты Circle Of Dead Children
- Grabbing N
- Imprint This Stake With Your Name
- It's A Bloody Day When You Get Your Hand Nailed To A Kross
- Migration
- Only One Per Coffin
- Pigeon Vs. Crow
- Return To Water
- Salt Rock Eyes
- Scarecrow Trailer
- Skull Of A Hermit / Brain Of A Faery
- Sleepwalker
- Sons Of Nameless
- Sunday's Agenda?
- The Genocide Machine
- Tranquilizer
- Two-Week Notice
- Ursa Major
- We Wear The Gimp Mask
- Where The Hive
- Wormpaste
- Все тексты Circle Of Dead Children