Imprint this stake with your name
Through my heart
Understand this ordinary twisting fate
A hate birthed again
Dull sensed and fetal crowned we fear for life
Knifing our way through tragedies timbers
I have to save myself
Interest sprung from popularity
Lessons learned or so they say
I pay for my disease
Rewarded in pink love
Текст песни Circle Of Dead Children Imprint This Stake With Your Name
Текст добавил Mrs Dramaqueen 27.1.2017 13:38
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Тексты Circle Of Dead Children
- Grabbing N
- Imprint This Stake With Your Name
- It's A Bloody Day When You Get Your Hand Nailed To A Kross
- Migration
- Only One Per Coffin
- Pigeon Vs. Crow
- Return To Water
- Salt Rock Eyes
- Scarecrow Trailer
- Skull Of A Hermit / Brain Of A Faery
- Sleepwalker
- Sons Of Nameless
- Sunday's Agenda?
- The Genocide Machine
- Tranquilizer
- Two-Week Notice
- Ursa Major
- We Wear The Gimp Mask
- Where The Hive
- Wormpaste
- Все тексты Circle Of Dead Children