Burgundy and brown. Humiliation my sound. Pompous heart and great anguish squashed between brain and bone. An inanimate journey through dementia where the ultimate accomplishment is woods earth and lye. Burgundy and brown. Hollowness my sound. Jeopardize the psyche for the taste of eroded embrace as lips moistened with the bile of medicated kiss. Blue collar. Red rope. Succulent and sweet. Hung me by my switchblade heart.
Текст песни Circle Of Dead Children Earth And Lye
Текст добавил Mrs Dramaqueen 27.1.2017 14:15
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Тексты Circle Of Dead Children
- Grabbing N
- Imprint This Stake With Your Name
- It's A Bloody Day When You Get Your Hand Nailed To A Kross
- Migration
- Only One Per Coffin
- Pigeon Vs. Crow
- Return To Water
- Salt Rock Eyes
- Scarecrow Trailer
- Skull Of A Hermit / Brain Of A Faery
- Sleepwalker
- Sons Of Nameless
- Sunday's Agenda?
- The Genocide Machine
- Tranquilizer
- Two-Week Notice
- Ursa Major
- We Wear The Gimp Mask
- Where The Hive
- Wormpaste
- Все тексты Circle Of Dead Children