Текст песни Closure In Moscow Seeds Of Gold

A liar of the sharpest tongue
We can't be something we're not
I've met with the winged things baying
And they feed off the winter lurking in your mind
I can see it in your eyes
I just want you to get out

But once you were beautiful to bear seeds of gold
I didn't saw much
You would hold me and I would stare
A pillar of salt, Whisked away by the air
Beautiful right from the start
I loved your soul enough to leave in the cold

Just when I think I'll be safer out here
By picking up the pace, covering ground
Something is looming, wicked in these clouds and calling
me back
Where will I run when all these winged things circle over
my head?
When you're young in the wild, living in denial
You'll never survive

But once you were beautiful to bear seeds of gold
I didn't saw much
You would hold me and I would stare
A pillar of salt, Whisked away by the air
Beautiful right from the start
I loved your soul enough to leave in the cold

I don't know if it's your voice that dissolves on the brittle
You supplicate from the place I dare not tread and ask me
to lay myself bare
But your are dressed in night and snow

But once you were beautiful to bear seeds of gold
I didn't saw much
You would hold me and I would stare
A pillar of salt, Whisked away by the air
Beautiful right from the start
I loved your soul enough to leave in the cold, into the
(Now that I know that we're one in the same)

Текст добавил neoseoooul 27.5.2014 16:14

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