Текст песни Colaars Wood Arsenal

We know it all!
We saw the game but never won!
We know it all!

We know, we could
Time never stops and fires wood
Fox hides in hole
Then makes it home, it’s dark as coal

My color is brown!
But leaves will never reach the ground
Street dogs will fight!
They always feel the January light

Black swan, stays high
And sinks away before it dies
We hold the trice
We leave our guns, we drop the lines

My color is brown!
But leaves will never reach the ground
Street dogs will fight!
They always feel the January light

We couldn’t stop so here we go
We never stop till get it all
We're under control!

My color is brown!
But leaves will never reach the ground
Street dogs will fight!
They always feel the January light

Текст добавил sashabortnik23 10.4.2012 19:21

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Тексты Colaars