Текст песни ColdWorld Tortured By Solitude

I am the devil
his world is a winter of hell
his rhythm is wayched in pain
he dances well
tortured by solitude
I bleed and bleed
tortured by myself this light is out

I am an angel who bows to suicide
can't breathe if it wakes me and then I'll die
angels are crying
there is no love
you should be masters of hate
dark of night without love
without love

I am the devil
his world is a winter of hell
his rhythm is wayched in pain
he doesn't move
tortured by solitude
I bleed with hate
tortured by myself this light is out

Текст добавил     16.9.2010 22:38

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6.8.2012 2:46 №58721 О

любимая песня. это шедевр



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2.8.2011 23:49 №53542 О

это гениально...

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