Текст песни Collide So Long

So long
why does it take so long
what if i wait for you
am i the only one
so long what did it mean
turn around here and
see if it breaks in two
am i the only one
secrets turn your soul out
i could always be there
make this all
i turn around
what if it breaks in two
am i the only one
so long
forget your going
so long
show me there
i think you will
So long
what did it mean
why does it take so long
what if it breaks in two
am i the only one
secret tears your soul out
i could always be there
so suddenly
flying through the air
am i not the only one
the only onlyonly one
did i tell you
sometimes it hurts

Текст добавил Hiekke 19.7.2009 15:49

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