Sempiternal silence
And summer twilight
Are entering my mind
My body, my self
I feel quiet and easy
I'm ready with all
Did with all that comes
It's picasant to
Don't think about the futures
To don't know
What comes tomorrow
I see the grief of know faces
From the second view
See them yet
I see them from
The other dimension
Suddenly is that is away
Only calm is around me
Magnificient forrost
So mighty and green
In their majesry
Deep walleys between rustle
With clear creeks
Sempiternal silence
And summer dawn are entering
Текст песни Contempt My End
Текст добавил sashabortnik23 8.8.2011 23:17
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Тексты Contempt
- 33
- A Dead Stone
- Blind Eyes Can't Speak
- Choke On Your Shame
- Death Is Eternal
- Go My Boy Go And Die
- Hate
- Holy Lies
- I Shall Rule
- Mercy
- My End
- Not Any Question
- Once You All Will Die When Our Overcast Day Shall Come
- Suicide
- The Dark Rain
- The Nightwind
- The Secret Around Us
- When Angels Begin To Cry
- Who Am I?
- You Must Die!!!
- Все тексты Contempt