Текст песни Contempt Go My Boy Go And Die

Right now and here you must remember
All experiences you have, you'll never have
The second chance
Do you think you did at you had to do!

Surely you did'nt befall a lot
Take the things as they really to comes
Silence your reason, succumb to your
Surrounding here you can't think nor
Dream you would pay
For it with your life

Be yourself, let your eyes opened and look around
All around will succumb to you
Same as you'll succumb to it
Then comes the amalgamation
That must
Wander through the long time

Is ggod to not have and feel the malevolance and hate
Doy, don't worry although all that goes around you
Is only stupidity an unnecessarity

Maybe sometime it will end and you'll not
Hear the crying of thing
Get away

If do you've any chance, cause those above
You will tell you: go, my boy, go and die!

Текст добавил sashabortnik23 8.8.2011 23:18

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