Текст песни Contempt The Dark Rain

Heavy drops of worry fall
On earth with every suffering
Of the other the shades

Of evil are hiding behind it's screen
This dark rain and is howling
Sounds like a magic music
But everybody will hear
It only once in his time

The one will cross with
The next the end will
Meet the beginning
Eternity shall arrive
Mystery shall spread it's wings
Darkness shall veil the other side
Fight for the otherworld
The doomed ones shall come below
In the scream of insane pain

Creeks of blood shall create
The lakes of fear

Depths of the caves shall forever
Hide before the blind eyes
Tears of hopelesness shall
Fall until the end of time

Beasts will get their deal of sacrifices
Dark rain will never stop the fall
The darkness will be terrible

The falls light will never throw
Any light of hope

Infinity and dark rain shall rule

Текст добавил sashabortnik23 8.8.2011 23:18

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