You have come up here
No words, no money
Twinkling of pictures
You are not alone
We are all there
It's one of our essence
We live it and it lives in us
It will be neverending
The surprise, shadows and
Twinkling of pictures
Around you
Even if we are not in the end
Even if we are there
Never, but only once
Shining warm light
At the end of your imagination
Even if we have come up here
Текст песни Contempt Mercy
Текст добавил sashabortnik23 8.8.2011 23:20
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Тексты Contempt
- 33
- A Dead Stone
- Blind Eyes Can't Speak
- Choke On Your Shame
- Death Is Eternal
- Go My Boy Go And Die
- Hate
- Holy Lies
- I Shall Rule
- Mercy
- My End
- Not Any Question
- Once You All Will Die When Our Overcast Day Shall Come
- Suicide
- The Dark Rain
- The Nightwind
- The Secret Around Us
- When Angels Begin To Cry
- Who Am I?
- You Must Die!!!
- Все тексты Contempt