Interior and exterior; fragment as we are
we have found delight floating in the joy of
Wavelength control my thoughts, the air
pushed to my ears, the light that defines
Shades and forms...the rhythm of my breath, infrared-
controlled cells...Nature seems to express sepectral content on everything
A non stop antiphony breaks a stalking silence designed to feed pathetic dialectics between perception and the idea of thruth...our holy gift: Beautiful sights of nowhere
A story tolled by animated systems digging and exit, hordes standing upon entwined dominions where every exit leads to the same beggining
Easily overwhelmed by what seems to be new, astonished,
We keep walking straight to the default answer that is to create a new beggining, becomeing the bricklayers of canocical illusionary constructions, self taught architects
of functional start points
Beautiful sights of nowhere
...Those instrospective constant returns to zero seem to be the main function of understanding, and the invention of meaning, the main human response to it's initial conditiom
Текст песни Coprofago Wavelength
Текст добавил kawaiigoro 17.9.2017 18:33
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