I wish you could see
The bridge that leads from you to me
But every time you try to cross
You always manage to get lost
I've been waiting patiently
For you to come and find me but
This is hide and seek in the dark
And now it seems you've left your mark on me.
This will never change
It's funny how we both grew up the same
You've had one too many second chances
And I can't wait around for you to make up your mind
Without a second glance you left me stranded
I climbed I slipped I fell but at least I tried
If you turn your back, I'll burn that bridge
My whole life is on repeat
Pursuing you as you retreat
I should have known you'd never stick around
When every bridge I ever built falls down
Can't keep waiting patiently
You'll never come and find me, well
This is hide and seek in the dark
And now it seems you've left your mark on me.
You will never change
It's funny how you'll always up the same
Yeah, you will never change
I won't look back you'll never see me again
You've had one too many second chances
And I can't wait around for you to make up your mind
Without a second glance you left me stranded
I climbed I slipped I fell but at least I tried
If you turn your back, I'll burn that bridge
You've had one too many second chances
And I can't wait around for you to make up your mind
Without a second glance you left me stranded
I climbed I slipped I fell but at least I tried
If you turn your back, I'll burn that bridge
Текст песни Courage My Love Bridges
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Тексты Courage My Love
- All I Need
- Anchors Make Good Shoes (If You Have Issues)
- Barricade
- Breathing Room
- Bridges
- Cold Blooded
- Disappear
- Do As You're Told
- For Now
- Goodbye To Giving Up
- I Don't Even Wanna Know
- Interlude
- Kerosene
- Lost Cause
- Low
- Skin And Bone
- Smoke And Mirrors
- The River
- Unfamiliar Sheets
- We're Not In Kansas Anymore
- Все тексты Courage My Love