Текст песни Crazy Juliet GranD GRImOIRE

Whisper me tonight; you don’t know me, gentle.
Nameless is my name; it’s so cold and empty
Drinking monthly blood of your ash ink body
Wait for Azototh my dreadful daddy.

Grand Grimoire!

Rats behind the walls; bed conceal your nightmares
Mushrooms with Yugot brought by astral hunters.
All the secret gifts from the mirror’s depths
The sleepwalker leads his ignoring steps.

Ia kutulu kutulu fug fug fatagn
Ia kutulu kutulu fug fug fatagn
Ia kutulu kutulu fug fug fatagn
Ia kutulu fatagn fug fug fatagn

Текст добавил Linn 20.7.2009 0:58

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