Bewitched Oubrey dreams in halls
Of holy Golly Queen
Her vicious odour rises and falls
It charms his silken skin. In...
La la la Luna lullaby
Lute tender purrs but you don't hear
La la la Luna Laughter in the night
You're sleeping still under the hill.
Bizarre erotic silhouettes
Creep through the garden's shade
And dwarves gentle like the cats,
Low whispers slowly fade. Made...
La la la Luna lullaby
Lute tender purrs but you don't hear
La la la Luna Laughter in the night
You're sleeping still under the hill.
Worries Luna rings in the night
But why you don't hear
Wounded Lu blood na sobs white
On sleeping under the hill.
Venetian powder aroma
Thin mallow pink anima
Avenue dismissing hearings
The peacocks with gold wings
La la la Luna lullaby
Lute tender purrs but you don't hear
La la la Luna Laughter in the night
You're sleeping still under the hill.
Worries Luna rings in the night
But why you don't hear
Wounded Luna sobs white
On sleeping under the hill.
Текст песни Crazy Juliet Under the Hill
Текст добавил Linn 20.7.2009 1:24
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