I got it done while no one saw it
Removed the fright and did not tell
Not alone but solely
I turned your head and walked away
I can't keep what I don't have
But throw away the need to own
Bet the players want to play
Open a side pot I'm all in
Vicious condition
Perdition on demand
A shelter of hatred
The cradle of relief
Oh darling, my inhibitor
My heart is occupied
No substitute and no relief
I made myself a prisoner
I'm not the one you thought I am
And I'm no longer who I was
Things I heard and plans that failed
Shoes are worn out, paths blind
When pressure reached a certain climax
My knot untied just fell apart
The ones I hate and try to escape from
Once were the ones I needed most
The scalp replanted back to your head
Does not fit and looks grotesque
Yes, I once wished you were dead
Never prayed that you should die
Текст песни Cripper Vicious Condition / Inhibitor
Текст добавил darkerthanblack 18.3.2011 22:12
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Тексты Cripper
- 60bpm
- Attention Deficit
- Break Out
- Cut Me Into Pieces 'til I Fit Your Point Of View
- Dreams Your Master
- Fire Walk With Me
- I
- Kids Killing Kids
- Kill My Thirst
- Life Is Deadly
- Masquerade
- Rage And Hate My Destiny
- Shortcut
- Slowly Beaten Hate Machine
- Strike The Force
- Sun; Colour; Black
- Trapped
- Vicious Condition / Inhibitor
- Wake Up Dead
- Wicked
- Все тексты Cripper