Slowly beaten hate machine
Hide and seek, not to be seen
Inside outbreaking infection
Punishment drilled to perfection
Absolutely unimpressed
Left behind but self possessed
Happy birthday antihero
Countdown backwards ten to zero
Breed of hate
Feed and wait
Epidemic state of mind
Lonely, to its thoughts confined
Echoing a dated laughter
Adding up equals disaster
Flashbacking these memories
Looking for a chance to ease
Leaving every promise empty
Yes is no, replaces maybe
Tripping on the aftermath
There's no God to fear His wrath
Revenge is a strong desire
Raging, sets the soul on fire
Far beyond catastrophe
Can't deny what has to be
High degree of desperation
Instinct of self-preservation
Текст песни Cripper Slowly Beaten Hate Machine
Текст добавил darkerthanblack 18.3.2011 22:12
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Тексты Cripper
- 60bpm
- Attention Deficit
- Break Out
- Cut Me Into Pieces 'til I Fit Your Point Of View
- Dreams Your Master
- Fire Walk With Me
- I
- Kids Killing Kids
- Kill My Thirst
- Life Is Deadly
- Masquerade
- Rage And Hate My Destiny
- Shortcut
- Slowly Beaten Hate Machine
- Strike The Force
- Sun; Colour; Black
- Trapped
- Vicious Condition / Inhibitor
- Wake Up Dead
- Wicked
- Все тексты Cripper