Is to hear me scream
I'm not loud at all
Who's to tell me with no voice
Nonsense to my ears
Is the ear that's deaf
Listen to what I say
Words will never free your mind
Remaining unheard
No - way out
No - regret
No - thing
The shadows fall
The light is low
And the window's shut
The backdoor's locked
There's no way out
You are exposed
By my dazzling light
It's too dark to see
What you see's not what you get
Read between the lines
Are a lack of light
No one's ever seen
There is more than meets the eye
Hiding in the dark
Not a feeling's left
Fear the feel that hurts
I am here, don't you remember
Salt inside your wound
Stays a creation
Kept inside a box
I won't hide what I create
'Cause it makes me free
Текст песни Cripper Trapped
Текст добавил darkerthanblack 18.3.2011 22:19
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Тексты Cripper
- 60bpm
- Attention Deficit
- Break Out
- Cut Me Into Pieces 'til I Fit Your Point Of View
- Dreams Your Master
- Fire Walk With Me
- I
- Kids Killing Kids
- Kill My Thirst
- Life Is Deadly
- Masquerade
- Rage And Hate My Destiny
- Shortcut
- Slowly Beaten Hate Machine
- Strike The Force
- Sun; Colour; Black
- Trapped
- Vicious Condition / Inhibitor
- Wake Up Dead
- Wicked
- Все тексты Cripper