Текст песни Cross My Heart Self-loathing Bastard

under the covers. i hold my breath. i hide my head. from alarm clocks and lovers. that wake me when i wish i were dead. what do you want from me. wake me when i'm not over it. i can't think straight with nothing left to say. said it all when i was sober. legion of liars. don't want to face another day. what am i here for. why do i treat myself this way. you said you had enough of me. you said you had enough of this lie. what do you want from me. you can't believe i'm not over it. can't think straight. with everything to say. come to think i'm irrelevant. and they say my time will come. and they say my day will come. but it's walking straight away from me. can't think straight. with everything to say. come to think i'm not over it. can't believe you said you had enough of me. away from me

Текст добавил ned0emo 5.3.2017 20:02

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