lies lies manifesting in my head. don't believe a fucking word that i have ever said. i've been dealt a cruel hand. cant wait to deal it back. ace, queen, jack, king. i stripped them from he pack. i can't let myself forget. you came into this world alone. leave the same - dead and cold. open your eyes, face the facts. you're blind to think friendships intact. i'll do anything to steer you off your track. what you lack. you'll ever have. i'll tel you what you want to hear and take it all back. i have trusted one too many i'm telling you now, i'm throwing it out. never place your trust in me.
Текст песни Cruel Hand Trust Me
Текст добавил The Order 21.8.2011 21:43
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Тексты Cruel Hand
- Broken Glass
- Crashing Down
- Cruel Hand
- Day Or Darkness
- Dismissed
- FAact Or Fiction
- Labyrinth
- Lack Thereof
- Lock And Key
- Never Fall
- Nothing Between Us
- One Cold Face
- Rotations Of Hurt
- Severe Character Flaw
- The Bottom (Of Munjoy Hill)
- The Countdown
- Trust Me
- Two-Fold
- Under The Ice
- Without A Pulse
- Все тексты Cruel Hand