things look grim. time's running thin. it was on our side but now it's gone again. i guess it slipped away. sifting through the grains. if i had the time i would make it pay. time on my hands, but my hands are tied. deal with the knots that we never denied. tomorrow hit me and it woke me up. yesterdays grasp become unlocked. rubbed my eyes because it was today. i want to sleep my life away. tomorrow so distance. future so vague. yesterday is a memory. memories fade.
Текст песни Cruel Hand The Countdown
Текст добавил The Order 21.8.2011 21:49
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Тексты Cruel Hand
- Broken Glass
- Crashing Down
- Cruel Hand
- Day Or Darkness
- Dismissed
- FAact Or Fiction
- Labyrinth
- Lack Thereof
- Lock And Key
- Never Fall
- Nothing Between Us
- One Cold Face
- Rotations Of Hurt
- Severe Character Flaw
- The Bottom (Of Munjoy Hill)
- The Countdown
- Trust Me
- Two-Fold
- Under The Ice
- Without A Pulse
- Все тексты Cruel Hand