Labyrinth You can’t see, think, feel or hear Are you trapped in there? Your mind’s moving so fast It’s reality, you’ve lost your grasp Let us know if you’ll ever come back Come Back Upside down and inside out Don’t mind the labyrinth Nothing else seems to help Straight Jacket
Текст песни Cruel Hand Labyrinth
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Тексты Cruel Hand
- Broken Glass
- Crashing Down
- Cruel Hand
- Day Or Darkness
- Dismissed
- FAact Or Fiction
- Labyrinth
- Lack Thereof
- Lock And Key
- Never Fall
- Nothing Between Us
- One Cold Face
- Rotations Of Hurt
- Severe Character Flaw
- The Bottom (Of Munjoy Hill)
- The Countdown
- Trust Me
- Two-Fold
- Under The Ice
- Without A Pulse
- Все тексты Cruel Hand