Can you feel me
Will you heal me, thrill me, kill me
Would you act yourself just to bring me down
Sometimes I lose myself in your lies
Abuse myself in my mind
I would hurt myself just to bring you down
I believed in you, I trusted you
All I ever knew was to bleed for you
This time I can’t forgive you
The music kills me
When you’re so empty
I lived trough it all
And I can’t forget you
But I am braking
And you forsaken me
I can’t go on, I am through with you
For the last time I’m not Okay I’m not allright
It feels so good just to watch you drown
You should know this I prefer you to be breathless
I hope you’re feeling helpless
It feels so good just to watch you drown
The music kills me
When you’re so empty
I lived trough it all
And I can’t forget you
But I am braking
And you forsaken me
I can’t go on, I am through with you
It feels so good to watch you burn
It feels so good to watch you burn
It feels so good, it feels so good, it feels so good
To watch you burn
Music kills me
You’re so empty
I lived trough it all
And I can’t forget you
But I am braking
And you forsaken me
I can’t go on
The music kills me
When you’re so empty
I lived trough it all
And I can’t forget you
But I am braking
And you forsaken me
I can’t go on, I am through with you
Can you feel me
Will you heal me, thrill me, kill me
Would you act yourself (just to bring me down I am through with you)
Can you feel me
Will you heal me, thrill me, kill me
Would you act yourself
Can you feel me
Will you heal me, thrill me, kill me
Would you act yourself just to bring me down
I Am Through With You
Текст песни Cult To Follow Through With You
Текст добавил Sinner 11.9.2011 15:35
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