Washed my hands of all my sins today
Left it all behind me
Thoughts of you the one I pushed away
You don’t understand me
No more nothingness, no more emptiness |
No more thoughts of this to bring me down again |(X2)
With all your sins and it’s over now
So this is how it ends
I can’t live, I can’t breathe
With or without you just go away
My obsession is to brake away
From all you pain and sorrow
A confession of my darkest day
But I’ll repay tomorrow
No more nothingness, no more emptiness |
No more thoughts of this to bring me down again |(X2)
With all your sins and it’s over now
So this is how it ends
I can’t live, I can’t breathe
With or without you just go away
No more nothingness, no more thoughts of this
No more emptiness so this is how it ends
Down again from all your sins
But it’s over now so this is how it ends
I can’t live, I can’t breathe
With or without you just go
Down again with all your sins
And it’s over now so this is how it ends
I can’t live, I can’t breathe
With or without you just go away
I can’t live, I can’t breathe
With or without you just go away
I can’t live, I can’t breathe
With or without you just go away
Текст песни Cult To Follow Down
Текст добавил Sinner 11.9.2011 15:35
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