Memories consume
like opening the wound
i'm picking me apart again
you all assume
i'm safe here in my room
[unless i try to start again]
i don't want to be the one
the battles always choose
cause inside i realize
that i'm the one confused
i don't know what's worth fighting for
or why i have to scream
i don't know why i instigate
and say what i don't mean
i don't know how i got this way
i know it's not alright
so i'm
breaking the habit
clutching my cure
i tightly lock the door
i try to catch my breath again
i hurt much more
than anytime before
i had no options left again
i'll paint it on the walls
cause i'm the one at fault
i'll never fight again
and this is how it ends
i don't know what's worth fighting for
or why i have to scream
but now i have some clarity
to show you what i mean
i don't know how i got this way
i'll never be alright
so i'm
breaking the habit
breaking the habit
Текст песни Linkin Park Breaking The Habit
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Тексты Linkin Park
- A Place For My Head
- Breaking The Habit
- Burning In The Skies
- Dedicated
- Faint
- From The Inside
- Given Up
- In The End
- In The End (Перевод)
- Leave Out All The Rest
- Leave Out All The Rest (Перевод)
- Lost In The Echo
- My December
- New Divide
- Numb
- Qwerty
- Shadow Of The Day
- The Catalyst
- What I've Done (Перевод)
- With You (Перевод)
- Все тексты Linkin Park
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песня шикарная.... *-*
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песня супер,одна из самых самых любимых
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божеееееее) эта песня мегакрута) я када только начинала их слушать, плакала под неё, даже не понимая о чем честер поет)
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Только чтение
перевод чуть чуть не тот как у меня в оригинал версии