Reaching for a dead mans hand.
Lose your faith in all that you know,
A chorus of the damned will scream of my name.
A melody of misery an anthem of dismay,
Prepare for complete control prepare for war.
Pushing through the crowd
Have you lost touch with your family?
It seems as if though they have turned their backs the second they got the chance to flee.
The masses drop like new born flesh,
Knees embracing mother earth.
Becoming one with defeat,
The air is thick with the fallen.
This day is truly complete.
Oh this wondrous conquest, only leads me to wanting more.
My heart no longer beats its just consumed with apathy
People have no use for me you're only here because i need some source of release.
There will be no cease,
Only a biter end.
Forget your family,
Forget your friends.
You will all witness, all that I've become.
Theory through intimidation is the only way to get things done.
Decrease the rising infestation,
Burn the oxygen right from there undeserving lungs.
Текст песни Lorna Shore I Before You
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Тексты Lorna Shore
- Annihilator
- Bone Kingdom
- Cerebral Cortex
- Death Gowns
- From The Pale Mist
- Harvest Realms
- I Before You
- Infection
- Infernal Haunting
- King Ov Deception
- Misery System
- Obsession
- Relentless Torment
- Second Skin
- The Absolution of Hatred
- The Alliance
- Throne Of Worms
- Traces Of Supremacy
- Where There's Ruin
- Wretching In Torment
- Все тексты Lorna Shore