Cry along with monsters
Toothed and trying to pull
Your eyes view mine as holes
And blood seeps up where once I was
Sinking I no longer am
I wake up and cry
No tears for you will come
Just a face distorted with pain
A monstrous face will sink again
Together with monsters
At home with monsters
Along with monsters
Alone with monsters
...Alone with my self
(My image finally lay smooth in the puddle of my selfish tears
I walk away to a living rise and lie flatly on my back
I'm talking with an old friend about vast simplicity but I don't think he hears
Smile loudly and laugh out broadly, ???Styx, my good pal, it's been a long hike back. But I'm here.)
Текст песни Moss Icon Cricketty Rise (Haverton Roads Browns And Greens)
Текст добавил DearDizzy 21.3.2010 7:19
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Тексты Moss Icon
- As Afterwards The Words Still Ring
- Cornflower Blue
- Cricketty Rise (Haverton Roads Browns And Greens)
- Cricketty Rise (Haverton Roads Browns And Greens) (Перевод)
- Divinity Cove
- Familiar Presides
- Familiar Presides (Перевод)
- Gravity
- Gravity (Перевод)
- Guatemala
- Guatemala (Перевод)
- Happy (Перевод)
- Hate In Me (Перевод)
- Kiss The Girls, And Make Them Die (Перевод)
- Locket (Перевод)
- Mirror (Перевод)
- Moth (Перевод)
- The Life
- The Life (Перевод)
- What They Lack (Перевод)
- Все тексты Moss Icon