The casket is exhumed, turfs piled beside the grave
A stagnant mass awaits me, deep in the gloom
The boxes lids I open, distraught desecrating
The fumes are penetrating, I am eructating... I vomit...
I initiate eager exhuming despite bad scents...
I dig up cold earth, exhumed turfs I disperse...
I initiate eager exhuming despite bad scents...
The open casket reveals the rot
Into weak stomach I slide my hands
Intensifying fumes I like to snort
Colon and small intestine
Sliced and ripped out of the foul body
Duodenum I minch - all should be treated equal
Rotten stool and urine
Spurt out of fermented organs
I discharged and raped - putrified giblets disembowel
Decrepit spleen and pancreas I've torn and gutted
I eviscerate stomach and cysts
Liver is torn and twisted - turning inside out
A fermented offal discharge - Disembowel...
Evacuated offal hastily wrapped in bags
As basic for my culinary...
Putrefied internal fragments,
Fermented offal discharge...
Текст песни Necrophagist Fermented Offal Discharge
Текст добавил "the_?iddle™" 26.11.2009 13:51
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Тексты Necrophagist
- Advanced Corpse Tumor
- Culinary Hyperversity
- Diminshed To B
- Epitaph
- Extreme Unction
- Fermented Offal Discharge
- Foul Body Autopsy
- Ignominious & Pale
- Intestinal Incubation
- Mutilate The Stillborn
- Only Ash Remains
- Seven
- Stabwound
- Symbiotic Theory
- The Stillborn One
- To Breathe In A Casket
- Все тексты Necrophagist