If it is to be only
an element of a whole,
to hide behind others
and form the eclipse of mind.
Ignominious And Pale.
If it were to one
having nothing to tell,
this would equal
a state of being the one,
ignominious and pale.
Fallen in the abyss of indignity,
doubt does not exist
or come into being. Pale...
Incarceration of personality
is the sad inception of self-denial.
The one that denies the inner self
flees into deception.
Incarceration of personality
is the sad inception of self-denial.
Текст песни Necrophagist Ignominious & Pale
Текст добавил "the_?iddle™" 26.11.2009 13:52
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Тексты Necrophagist
- Advanced Corpse Tumor
- Culinary Hyperversity
- Diminshed To B
- Epitaph
- Extreme Unction
- Fermented Offal Discharge
- Foul Body Autopsy
- Ignominious & Pale
- Intestinal Incubation
- Mutilate The Stillborn
- Only Ash Remains
- Seven
- Stabwound
- Symbiotic Theory
- The Stillborn One
- To Breathe In A Casket
- Все тексты Necrophagist